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    Children and Youth Ministry

    We want your children, in a safe and engaging environment, to encounter Jesus and grow in their knowledge of His love and call.  Here are a few ways they can connect at WSBC!

    Youth Mentoring

    We offer one on one mentoring for students in grades 9-12. Mentorship opportunities help students engage with their faith through the study of the Bible, faith exploration and relationship building.  Connect with Charlie Bihl for more information.

    Kids' Club

    Students in grades 1st - 6th gather Wednesday nights from 6:30 - 7:45 p.m. for an evening of age-appropriate Bible study, activities & fun.  This "junior youth group" meets in Davidson Chapel and is facilitated by Maura Bihl & Pastor Kelly.

    Children's Church & Nursery

    Children ages 4 - 4th grade join the adults for singing and praying during our worship service, beginning at 10:30 AM.  During the sermon they are invited to participate in children's church -- a time of growing in God through learning His word, singing His praises, and building community with His people.  Nursery is available for children up to age 3 beginning at 10:20 AM.

    Summer Camps at West Shore

    The Christian Education Board hosts a yearly summer camp. This past summer we hosted our second Musical Theater Camp featuring Disney's Frozen Kids!  We spent the week investing in our students and meeting new friends from our community. Students learned about the greatest act of sacrificial love that breaks the curse and gives new life: Jesus's gift of Himself for us. Be on the lookout this spring for information about next summer's kids camp!

    PLEASE NOTE: All children & youth volunteers at WSBC have submitted up-to-date background checks.

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