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    Next Steps

    At every stage of our spiritual journey, Jesus invites us to take a next step with Him. 

    Here at WSBC, these are next the next steps we encourage you to take.


    The first step in following Jesus is coming to know who He is and choosing to believe Him.  Here are some next steps we invite you to take as you pursue Him:     

    Participate in worship.  Join our community on Sunday mornings.  You will learn much about who we are and, more importantly, who our God is!    

    Have coffee with a pastor.  Grab one of our pastors after service on Sunday, note on your connect card that you are interested, or simply shoot an email to the office to set up an informal time of conversation with a pastor.    

    Be baptized.  Baptism is both a profoundly public profession of your decision to surrender to Jesus and a deeply personal symbol of your new, resurrected life in Jesus.  If you are ready to enter the waters, connect with one of our pastors directly, mark your connect card on Sunday or register on our Church Center app.    

    Take the Discovery Course.  Offered quarterly, our new member course provides an overview of what it means to covenant together with the WSBC body.  The class will consider what it means to be an American Baptist, our vision and beliefs, your spiritual gifts, and your own purpose at WSBC.  Register for the next course on our Church Center app.


    If you are ready to walk intentionally with Jesus, going deeper with God and further in His Kingdom work in this world, then your next step is:     

    Connect with a community group.  We offer several opportunities for people of all ages to  engage God's word, pray, and grow in the Kingdom together.  Whether a Sunday morning or midweek group fits the rhythm of your life best,  connecting intentionally with other believers is vital. Email mail@wsbc.org to learn about our current community group offerings.


    Disciples are the hands and feet of Jesus.  Through our life we help connect those who do not yet know Jesus to the only One who can save to the uttermost.  We serve as bridges to the Gospel.  Ready to take your next step?    

    Pray for one.  Who is one person in your sphere of influence right now who does not know Jesus?  Commit to pray for them daily and ask God how you can be a relational bridge to Him.

    Serve.  God placed you at WSBC on purpose for His purpose.  Check out our ministry teams and join one that most matches your gifting.


    None of us can become like Jesus on our own.  We need trusted mentors who have permission to look deeply at our life and give us permission to walk closely with them.  Mentoring might be your next step.    

    Engage a mentor.  Invite someone a little further on the journey with you to serve as your mentor in the faith.  Maybe you want to grow in one specific area or simply in general. Sign-up on your connect card or the Church Center app to be assigned a mentor or register for the mentor class.

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