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    Prayer Ministry

    We're convinced that prayer is the lifeblood of ministry. Therefore, we know the ministries of WSBC must be bathed in prayer from conception to completion. We are humbly dependent on God for His guidance, provision and blessing in all that we do.

    Prayer is also vitally important in the life of the individual believer. We want the people of WSBC to be people of prayer, who communicate with God regularly about their own needs, and who intercede often for the needs of others. We pray because God's Word encourages us to do so. We pray in confidence that God hears and answers prayer.

    Our Prayer Ministries

    • Prayer Team - Look for our Prayer Team, identified by their yellow 'how can I pray for you' buttons, throughout Sunday mornings.  Any of these individuals would be honored to pray with and for you on Sundays or throughout the week. 
    • Post-Service Prayer - At the conclusion of each of our worship services, you may find prayer ministers at the front of the sanctuary.  They are available to pray with you, as you respond to the Lord.  All prayer ministry is confidential.
    • Prayer Email List - Do you have a request or need for which you'd like prayer? Submit your prayer request by completing the form below or on the Church Center app.  All prayer requests will be emailed to the WSBC prayer chain.

    Prayer Request

    Please submit your prayer request below. All prayer requests will be emailed to the prayer chain. Please be certain you have permission to share this request before submitting it.

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