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    West Shore Baptist Church can engage faithfully in our call to make disciples who believe, belong, bridge and become through your generous giving.  This secure online giving portal is a simple and convenient way for you to give consistently in support of your church.  You may choose to give a one-time gift or to set up a recurring donation, which can be changed at any time.

    To provide you with this convenience, the church must pay a small fee for each transaction.  If you so desire, you will be given the opportunity to offset that transaction fee so the full amount intended may be given to the church. Likewise, a significantly smaller percentage is removed if you choose to pay through your checking account, rather than a credit/debit card.

    May God our Father bless you for your generosity, obedience, and support of the work we are doing together! 

    If you have any questions about the offering portal, feel free to email or call us!

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