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    We're So Glad You're Here! 

    Here at West Shore Baptist Church we exist to make disciples of Jesus Christ. We define disciples as individuals who believe our God at His word, belong to each other in community, are bridging the Gospel beyond our walls and are becoming more and more like Jesus as we engage in intentional mentoring relationships.



    We love gathering corporately to express our love and devotion to our God, as we receive His word to us through worship.  And we hope you will, too!  Our service is a blend of traditional and contemporary songs, led by our incredibly talented music ministry team.  Each Sunday is different, as our musicians and vocalists use their varied gifts to God's glory.  After a time of singing, we will pray together and then spend time in the Word, believing God desires to reveal Himself, His ways, and His will to us.  If you would like to hear a sermon before visiting, check out the sermon tab.


    2025 Market St, Camp Hill, PA 17011

    We are conveniently located on the corner of 21st Street and Market Street in downtown Camp Hill. There are parking spaces behind the chuch. You may also park at the NextHome Realty lot off of 21stStreet.  Many people prefer to park on the street itself.

    Our church has handicap accessible entrances at both our lower 21st Street entrance and Market Street entrance.

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